Autoglass® – global leader in aftermarket vehicle glass repair and replacement

Vehicle glass repair or replacement by Autoglass®. To repair or replace your auto glass, call 94 361 23 60 or register online.

Autoglass® vehicle glass service. Get to know us better!

We’re a successful provider of highly professional services in the field of vehicle glass repair and replacement, for all vehicle makes and models in 41 countries. Autoglass® offers its customer services at 2740 centres and through 9888 mobile service units. As a subsidiary of the Belron® Group, a global leader in vehicle glass repair and replacement, we serve over 18 million motorists every year. Our core business principles are: Honesty, Respect and Trust.

Vehicle glass repair and replacement by Autoglass® – the benefits!

Autoglass® repairs and replaces all types of vehicle glass for most makes and models. Autoglass® provides lifetime warranty on its services. Autoglass® uses only glass manufactured to OEM standards and supplied by OEMs or other vendors. Autoglass® prioritizes the principle of “Repair First”, which means that instead of replacing it, we first try to repair the damage to save you money and time.

Autoglass® vehicle glass service – a flexible and professional approach!

Autoglass® offers vehicle glass repair and replacement services for all makes and models of passenger vehicles, delivery and utility vans, commercial vehicles, buses, coaches, farm vehicles, and specialist vehicles. Our specialists suggest the optimum solution according to the nature of the glass damage, select the required glass units and schedule the installation date and time with the customer. If you wish to pay for the installation service, the price depends on your vehicle make and model, parts manufacturers, and trim options (which may include windshield heating, dusk/high-beam sensor and rain sensor wiring). The price is calculated on a case-by-case basis. If you have windshield damage or comprehensive / no-fault insurance and you are contacting us through your insurer, our service is provided free of charge or against an extra charge, as applicable to your coverage.

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The AUTOGLASS® Mobile Service is there wherever help is needed!

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PN-PT 8:00-18:00 i SO 8:00-13:00

94 361 23 60

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Od ręki samodzielnie umówisz naprawę lub wymianę i zarezerwujesz pierwszy wolny termin.
Potrzebuję wsparcia w zgłoszeniu uszkodzenia ubezpieczycielowi
Zostaw swoje dane, a my oddzwonimy i udzielimy Tobie wsparcia w procesie zgłaszania szkody u ubezpieczyciela.

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Fill in the details below and we will be happy to assist you in the process of repairing / replacing the glass with your Insurer

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