ADAS calibration at AUTOGLASS® – always professional and accurate!

ADAS stands for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, a combination of video cameras, radars and laser sensors installed on the windshield. ADAS was designed to improve the safety levels and convenience of driving by either warning the driver of any potential hazards, or eliminating them.


1Identification of the ADAS installed in the vehicle

The ADAS cameras installed behind the windshield are the primary components of the systems. Their recalibration is required after the windshield replacement.

2Vehicle diagnostics

Autoglass® does computer-assisted vehicle diagnostics before and after replacement of the ADAS-equipped windshield.

3Windshield replacement

If your vehicle has ADAS, our service does not end with the windshield replacement only. The ADAS must be recalibrated!

4ADAS calibration

During an ADAS calibration, we read the windshield camera outputs with a scan tool to make sure that all the ADAS components perform to specification.

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