Broken glass?
Leave it to us!

With us, it’s simple


We provide vehicle glass repair and replacement services on the same day you call or by prior appointment. An auto glass repair takes around 30 minutes, while glass replacement takes about 60 minutes.


We have years of professional experience and use advanced technologies to back you up, with a lifetime warranty on our services.


“Repair First” is our priority, which means that rather than automatically replacing it we first attempt to repair the damaged glass so we can save you money and time. Autoglass® glass service is about always choosing the best solution for each customer.


Strict compliance with the procedures and use of high quality materials ensure safe driving with glass repaired or replaced by any Autoglass® service centre.

Autoglass Technologies

The systems use a combination of cameras, radars, lasers mounted on the windscreen. It is designed to improve safety and driving comfort by warning the driver of a possible danger or eliminating it. However, safety systems work only if they interact perfectly with a vehicle thanks to its calibration.

If the camera is not calibrated after the windscreen has been replaced, the systems will not work properly. Even the smallest departure can cause the systems to not identify the road hazard correctly.

Autoglass®, with the biggest amount of calibration devices and the greatest experience in scope of multimarking, provides a professional calibration service ADAS.

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Wskaż, w jakim trybie chcesz naprawić lub wymienić uszkodzoną szybę

Wykonuję usługę we własnym zakresie
Od ręki samodzielnie umówisz naprawę lub wymianę i zarezerwujesz pierwszy wolny termin.
Potrzebuję wsparcia w zgłoszeniu uszkodzenia ubezpieczycielowi
Zostaw swoje dane, a my oddzwonimy i udzielimy Tobie wsparcia w procesie zgłaszania szkody u ubezpieczyciela.

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Fill in the details below and we will be happy to assist you in the process of repairing / replacing the glass with your Insurer

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